jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

See you later

I don´t have the feeling that I have taken English classes. I have the feeling that I have been in a course about general culture and so many things that has turned out to be very complete, interesting and fulfilling. Even I have learned about myself.
If it weren´t for the exams, I´d like to repeat the course once more and again, as I think it is different every year. And, if I pass, I wish I could assist to some activities next year.
I have enjoyed a lot with all of you. And, as I have said other times, this year we have faced challenges that has brought out the best in ourselves, and I can´t imagine a better way of teaching.

Thanks Emilio and thanks all of you!
See you soon! 

There's this thing that people do when they leave
I've heard its called "goodbye"
But I hope I get to see you in the morning

And you'll say it was just a lie."